Albro-Falconer-Manley Science Center – Spelman College

The Albro-Falconer-Manley Science Center is a beautiful, state-of-the-art research and training facility on the campus of Spelman College. Completed in 2000, it houses the biology, chemistry, physics, mathematics, and computer sciences departments. It is a site for intellectual exchange and scientific creativity, accommodating current research and teaching practices and supporting the use of technology in teaching.

CxGBS performed retro-commissioning and monitoring-based commissioning for this facility. During the planning phase of the project, CxGBS led a collaborative workshop to develop the current facility requirements (CFR) with input from the owners, faculty, and occupants.

Added value through CxGBS® services:

During the investigation phase of the project, many issues were identified that caused unnecessary energy use within the facility:

  • Variable air volume (VAV) terminal box set points that were generating overheating, overcooling, over-pressurization, and short-cycling situations within the facility.
  • HVAC set-back scheduling was not provided for non-critical research spaces, causing unnecessary energy to be used during unoccupied periods.
  • Higher than necessary exhaust rates within several laboratories, requiring unnecessary energy to be used to condition associated make-up air.
  • Hot and chilled water valves continuously streaming with valve leakage occurring.
  • Higher than required AHU static pressure was identified and seasonal inefficiencies from low AHU discharge temperatures were requiring more reheat than necessary.
  • Lighting power densities were identified in many spaces that were higher than required, causing excessive energy use when lighting was in use.
  • Numerous rooms, especially classrooms, were observed to have lights on when unoccupied.


Spelman College

Commissioning Professionals:
Commissioning & Green Building Solutions, Inc.