Animal and Dairy Science Facility – Mississippi State University

Animal and Dairy Sciences (ADS) is a multidisciplinary science that focuses on livestock and companion animal growth, health, and safety as well as food and fiber production.

This new construction building will house the program’s academic and research needs in classrooms, labs, and animal rooms in addition to administrative and faculty offices. Lab space for each facility will include areas for radiation, microbiology, and BSL 2 labs. Design requirements for each facility includes exceeding the requirements of ASHRAE 90.1 (2010) by 30 percent, as required by the Mississippi State University Sustainability Committee.

CxGBS applied their Holistic Commissioning® process to the building enclosure, mechanical, HVAC, HVAC controls, plumbing, electrical, and lighting controls.

Added value through CxGBS® services:

CxGBS identified a critical failure in the building enclosure construction that was allowing water and air penetration past the dry line into the wall cavity.  CxGBS identified teeth on the brick ties as the culprit that could not be sealed around the foam board. Our wall cavity testing revealed water intrusion early on during the wall construction, which was critical for an efficient resolution. CxGBS was able to work with the brick mason to identify the issue, fix the deficient areas, and utilize the correct product moving forward to the second and third floors of building construction. Our testing and failure resolution helped to stop a potential mold and/or humidity issue from causing significant issues in the building in the future.


Mississippi State University

Design Professionals:
McCarty Company

Construction Professionals:
Century Construction and Realty

Commissioning Professionals:
Commissioning & Green Building Solutions, Inc.