Donald Stuart Russell Building
CxGBS is a part of IDIQ Team (GS-00P-05-0115) to provide the GSA with energy auditing and retro-commissioning services (RCx) for the Donald Stuart Russell Building.
The scope of services, for the courthouse, included engineering and commissioning expertise to conduct re-commissioning/retro-commissioning planning, identify energy and water conservation, scoping, testing, investigation, evaluation analysis, calculations, recommendations, and report writing services. Where simple repairs were not possible, recommendations for necessary modifications were made.
From the results of the retro-commissioning activities, specific actions were recommended, energy conservation measures (ECM) were proposed, and cost benefit analysis was performed. CxGBS® issued the final project report directly to GSA.
Added Value through CxGBS® Services:
- Results of the energy audit and retro-commissioning process provided information used to develop low or no-cost improvements. Implementation of these improvements provided options to improve building performance without capital improvements.
- Results of the energy audit and retro-commissioning investigation also informed energy conservation measures which required capital expenditures. These ECMs were prioritized using costs benefit analysis and presented to the GSA for review and implementation.
General Services Administration
Construction Professionals:
Commissioning Professionals:
Commissioning & Green Building Solutions, Inc.
- Spartanburg, SC
- 56,000 SF
- 2010
- Retro-Commissioning