Mississippi Children’s Museum
Providing innovative, creative, and engaging educational resources for Mississippi children and their families, the Mississippi Children’s Museum houses five galleries. Each gallery includes educational, interactive exhibits that focus on literacy; health and nutrition; the cultural arts; science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM); and Mississippi heritage.
Commissioned elements of the building enclosure included windows, curtain wall, and cavity wall elements. A sample of commissioned elements of the building systems included rooftop air handlers, feeding variable air volume terminal units that are controlled by CO2 sensing demand-based ventilation, and natural gas-fired boilers and air-cooled chillers, creating hot and chilled water that is all controlled by a direct digital control system.
Added value through CxGBS® services:
- CxGBS worked with mechanical engineer to determine cause of over-pressurization of building space causing doors to not fully close and determined that the issue was related to amount of outside air brought in for ventilation purpose being much greater than exhausted air due to removal of two exhaust fans just prior to start of construction.
- CxGBS conducted vapor transmission analysis on proposed exterior wall design to determine whether condensation was possible in wall. The results were provided and discussed with architect to modify wall design to add additional rigid insulation.
Mississippi Bureau of Buildings
Design Professionals:
Canizaro Caw Davis Architecture
Construction Professionals:
Foundation Construction
Commissioning Professionals:
Commissioning & Green Building Solutions, Inc.
- Jackson, MS
- 43,700 SF
- 2010
- Holistic Commissioning®